Los Barriles Bcs. Wedding video
at Hotel Palmas de Cortez
4 Mins Read
As you can notice from the beginning, Erin and Jeff share a very special taste for spending time with nature and animals.
They make up a very joyful family, together with their friends, whom happen to be very humorist, which really enlivens the environment.

A day before the wedding, we had the pleasure of joining them and capture on tape the casual get together.
the first contact
We attend the
of the
ever with the sea


And a soiree at the heat of a bonfire
Los Barriles
under the magnificent
open sky of
quiet little town, far away from the rhythms of large cities, all suitable for the future spouses.

To be one of the most important days of their lives they definitely know how to really live it up to the best way, free of stress and of course, accompanied by their dog, Cortez, their greatest company and the bridal party crew. Always up for the most special moments.

The ceremony had something especially poetic and beautiful going on since the minister is a friend of the couple. He wrote a special speech for them, this makes us all remember how important it's to keep our friends close because
they are always the best
storytellers when it comes to
Our Life's adventures

In this wedding, the love for the Mexican culture was very much appreciated from the moment everyone present experimented a feel-like-home sensation. All invited were celebrating with mariachi, tequila and also, the perfect weather of La Baja California in November provided a wonderful time for all the activities.

Everyone has mentioned how in love with adventure our stunning bride, Erin, has always been and how happy this couple make each other. It even became a drinking game for each time someone mentioned how “adventurous” they are, during speeches time.

We specially loved her dad’s speech, Mr. Gordon, who gave an unexpected re-count on all her life since she was a kid, bringing back lovely memories of his mom, may she rest in peace, who used to tell him about how the world is a big beautiful place to explore, which is one of the reasons for his own kids to have grown with such free spirit to venture the world as they have.

The seed was planted before Erin’s
feet even touched this earth
A beautiful reminder of how valuable and full of power words can be.

why did Jeff
laugh so much?

By the way, we are up for every 70’s party in town and this one was just what all of us, 70’s babies, needed. Also, those little kids were really out there enjoying themselves to the fullest so we couldn’t help but capture these memories. After all, we are here to immortalize the most unique experiences.

We want to thank the coordinator of this wedding, Kathy Skaggs and her team for their hard work on this beautiful event, as well as Hotel Palmas de Cortez for the great location.

“You’re the one I want, you’re the one I need baby, If I was a king, oh you would be my queen”
It’s very clear how good to each other’s souls you are, please keep traveling the world and having amazing adventures.We send our best wishes to
Erin and Jeff.